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Alexander E. Ropper, Gary F. Rogers, Emily B. Ridgway, and Mark R. Proctor

The authors report the case of a large idiopathic frontal bone defect and concomitant sagittal synostosis corrected by autologous exchange cranioplasty by using a corticocancellous bone graft and cranial vault expansion.

An otherwise healthy, developmentally normal 6-year-old girl presented to our clinic with a large frontal bone defect. The osseous defect was midline and inferior to the coronal sutures, and the underlying dura was slightly tense. She had no signs or symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, and her head circumference and cephalic index were normal. Imaging demonstrated fusion of the sagittal synostosis.

The defect was repaired using full-thickness autologous bone harvested from the bilateral parietal regions, which were widened using barrel-stave osteotomies to reduce pressure on the graft site in the setting of sagittal synostosis and mild cranial narrowing. The donor sites were covered with autologous particulate bone graft harvested from the endocortical surface of the grafted segments and the ectocortical surface of the intact parietal bones. The donor and recipient sites healed. Imaging revealed that the particulate bone healed with a thickness similar to the surrounding bone.

This bony defect is analogous to parietal foramina and may have a similar etiopathogenesis. The technique of autologous exchange cranioplasty using corticocancellous particulate bone graft provides a simple and reliable method to repair large structural calvarial defects.

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Emily B. Ridgway, John Berry-Candelario, Ronald T. Grondin, Gary F. Rogers, and Mark R. Proctor


Suturectomy as a treatment for craniosynostosis was largely replaced in the late twentieth century by more extensive, but predictable, cranial remodeling procedures. Recent technical innovations, such as using the endoscope combined with postoperative orthotic reshaping, have led to a resurgence of interest in suturectomy as a safer, less invasive method.


进行了回顾性的图表总结cases of sagittal synostosis treated with endoscopic sagittal suture strip craniectomy and helmet therapy between 2004 and 2008. Data collected included gestational age, genetic evaluations and syndromic status, age at operation, duration of procedure, need for blood transfusions, length of hospital stay, preoperative and postoperative head circumference percentile and cranial index, duration of helmet use, length of follow-up, complications, and revisions.


Fifty-six patients with isolated sagittal synostosis were treated using endoscopic suturectomy and completed helmet therapy. Mean age at time of procedure was 3.24 months. Mean operative duration was 45.32 minutes. Mean hospital stay was 1.39 days. There were 2 transfusions and no deaths. The mean length of follow-up was 2.34 years. Helmet therapy was instituted for a mean of 7.47 months. Head circumference percentile increased from 61.42% to 89.27% over 2 years of follow-up. Cranial index increased from a preoperative mean of 0.69 to 0.76 over 2 years of follow-up. Reoperations for synostosis included 1 sagittal suture refusion and 2 cases in which other sutures fused.


Sagittal synostosis can be safely treated with endoscopic suturectomy and helmet therapy. Improvements in cranial volume and shape are comparable to open procedures and are enduring.

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Mark R. Proctor and Gary F. Rogers

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John Berry-Candelario, Emily B. Ridgway, Ronald T. Grondin, Gary F. Rogers, and Mark R. Proctor


The primary goals of treatment in the infant with craniosynostosis are to correct the deformity and allow for adequate brain growth in as safe and effective a manner as possible. Herein, the authors present the results of treating craniosynostosis using an endoscope-assisted strip craniectomy and postoperative helmet therapy (EASC + PHT) in the hopes of providing further evidence of its role in the treatment of multiple different forms of craniosynostosis. This is a retrospective review of the patients treated with this technique at Children's Hospital Boston.


The electronic medical records of all children with craniosynostosis treated using this technique were reviewed retrospectively. A priori, data were collected for deformity type, patient age at surgery, number of transfusions, operative time, length of hospital stay, and anthropometric measurements.


One hundred seventy-three patients (61 females and 112 males) were treated at our institution between July 2004 and March 2011 with EASC + PHT. The mean operative time was 46.30 minutes. Eight (4.6%) of the 173 patients received blood transfusions. The average length of hospital stay was 1.35 days, with the majority of patients being discharged the day after surgery. All complications and any patient who required additional craniofacial reconstructions are discussed. In addition, a subgroup analysis was done for patients who had undergone surgery and had longer than 1 year of follow-up.


The authors' growing database of patients supports the experiences described by others that early treatment of craniosynostosis with an EASC + PHT is a safe and efficacious technique. In addition, cost reduction due to decreased hospital stay and limitation of blood transfusions are demonstrable benefits associated with the use of this technique.

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Benjamin C. Wood, Albert K. Oh, Robert F. Keating, Michael J. Boyajian, John S. Myseros, Suresh N. Magge, and Gary F. Rogers


Progressive postnatal pansynostosis (PPP) is a rare form of craniosynostosis that is characterized by a normal head shape, insidious decrease in percentile head circumference, and high rates of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). This investigation describes the clinical, radiographic, and genetic features of this entity.


The authors’ craniofacial database for the period 1997–2013 was retrospectively culled to identify patients who had a normal or near-normal head shape and CT-confirmed multiple-suture synostosis. Patients with kleeblatt-schädel or previous craniofacial surgery were excluded. All demographic information was collected and analyzed.


Seventeen patients fit the inclusion criteria. Nine patients had a syndromic diagnosis: Crouzon syndrome (n = 4), Pfeiffer syndrome (n = 2), Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (n = 1), Apert syndrome (n = 1), and achondroplasia (n = 1). With the exception of 3 patients with mild turricephaly, all patients had a relatively normal head shape. Patients were diagnosed at an average age of 62.9 months. Nearly all patients had some combination of clinical, radiographic, or ophthalmological evidence of increased ICP.


PPP is insidious; diagnosis is typically delayed because the clinical signs are subtle and appear gradually. All normocephalic infants or children with a known or suspected craniosynostotic disorder should be carefully monitored; any decrease in percentile head circumference or signs/symptoms of increased ICP should prompt CT evaluation.

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Mitchel Seruya, Albert K. Oh, Gary F. Rogers, Michael J. Boyajian, John S. Myseros, Amanda L. Yaun, and Robert F. Keating


Controlled hypotension is routinely used during open repair of craniosynostosis to decrease blood loss, although this benefit is unproven. In this study the authors analyzed the longitudinal relationships between intraoperative mean arterial pressure (MAP) and calculated blood loss (CBL) during frontoorbital advancement (FOA) for craniosynostosis.


The authors reviewed the records of infants with craniosynostosis who had undergone primary FOA between 1997 and 2009. Anesthesia records provided preoperative and serial intraoperative MAP. Interval measures of CBL had been determined during the course of the operation. The longitudinal relationships between MAPmean, MAPchange, and CBLchangewere assessed over the same time interval and compared between adjacent time intervals to determine the directionality of associations.


Ninety infants (44 males and 46 females) underwent FOA at a mean age and weight of 10.7 ± 12.9 months and 9.0 ± 7.0 kg, respectively. The average intraoperative MAP was 56.1 ± 4.8 mm Hg, 22.6 ± 12.1% lower than preoperative baseline. A negative correlation was found between CBLchangeand MAPmeanover the same interval (r = −0.31, p < 0.05), and an inverse relationship was noted between CBLchangeof the previous interval and MAPchangeof the next interval (r = −0.07, p < 0.05). Finally, there was no significant association between MAPchangeof the previous interval and CBLchangeof the next interval.


Calculated blood loss demonstrated a negative correlation with MAP during FOA. Directionality testing indicated that MAP did not affect intraoperative blood loss; instead, blood loss drove changes in MAP. Overall, these findings challenge the benefit of controlled hypotension during open craniofacial repair.

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Benjamin C. Wood, Edward S. Ahn, Joanna Y. Wang, Albert K. Oh, Robert F. Keating, Gary F. Rogers, and Suresh N. Magge


Endoscopic strip craniectomy (ESC) with postoperative helmet orthosis is a well-established treatment option for sagittal craniosynostosis. There are many technical variations to the surgery ranging from simple strip craniectomy to methods that employ multiple cranial osteotomies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the addition of lateral barrel-stave osteotomies during ESC improved morphological outcomes.


An IRB-approved retrospective review was conducted on a consecutive series of cases involving ESC for sagittal craniosynostosis at 2 different institutions from March 2008 to August 2014. The patients in Group A underwent ESC and those in Group B had ESC with lateral barrel-stave osteotomies. Demographic and perioperative data were recorded; postoperative morphological outcomes were analyzed using 3D laser scan data acquired from a single orthotic manufacturer who managed patients from both institutions.


A total of 73 patients were included (34 in Group A and 39 in Group B). Compared with Group B patients, Group A patients had a shorter mean anesthetic time (161.7 vs 195 minutes; p < 0.01) and operative time (71.6 vs 111 minutes; p < 0.01). The mean hospital stay was similar for the 2 groups (1.2 days for Group A vs 1.4 days for Group B; p = 0.1). Adequate postoperative data on morphological outcomes were reported by the orthotic manufacturer for 65 patients (29 in Group A and 36 in Group B). The 2 groups had similar improvement in the cephalic index (CI): Group A, mean change 10.5% (mean preoperative CI 72.6, final 80.4) at a mean follow-up of 13.2 months; Group B, mean change 12.2% (mean preoperative CI 71.0, final 79.6) at a mean follow-up of 19.4 months. The difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.15).


Both ESC alone and ESC with barrel staving produced excellent outcomes. However, the addition of barrel staves did not improve the results and, therefore, may not be warranted in the endoscopic treatment of sagittal craniosynostosis.

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Tina M. Sauerhammer, Albert K. Oh, Michael Boyajian, Suresh N. Magge, John S. Myseros, Robert F. Keating, and Gary F. Rogers


Unilateral fusion of the frontoparietal suture is the most common cause of synostotic frontal plagiocephaly. Localized fusion of the frontosphenoidal suture is rare but can lead to a similar, but subtly distinct, phenotype.


A retrospective chart review of the authors' craniofacial database was performed. Patients with isolated frontosphenoidal synostosis on CT imaging were included. Demographic data, as well as the clinical and radiographic findings, were recorded.


Three patients were identified. All patients were female and none had an identifiable syndrome. Head circumference was normal in each patient. The mean age at presentation was 4.8 months (range 2.0–9.8 months); 2 fusions were on the right side. Frontal flattening and recession of the supraorbital rim on the fused side were consistent physical findings. No patient had appreciable facial angulation or orbital dystopia, and 2 patients had anterior displacement of the ipsilateral ear. All 3 patients were initially misdiagnosed with unilateral coronal synostosis, and CT imaging at a mean age of 5.4 months (range 2.1–10.8 months) was required to secure the correct diagnosis. Computed tomography findings included patency of the frontoparietal suture, minor to no anterior cranial base angulation, and vertical flattening of the orbit without sphenoid wing elevation on the fused side. One patient underwent CT scanning at 2.1 months of age, which demonstrated a narrow, but patent, frontosphenoidal suture. The patient's condition was assumed to be a deformational process, and she underwent 6 months of unsuccessful helmet therapy. A repeat CT scan obtained at 10.7 months of age demonstrated the synostosis. All 3 patients underwent fronto-orbital correction at mean age of 12.1 months (range 7.8–16.1 months). The mean duration of postoperative follow-up was 11.7 months (range 1.9–23.9 months).


Isolated frontosphenoidal synostosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of atypical frontal plagiocephaly.

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Alan Siu, Gary F. Rogers, John S. Myseros, Siri S. Khalsa, Robert F. Keating, and Suresh N. Magge

There is no known correlation between Down syndrome and craniosynostosis. The authors report 2 infants with trisomy 21 and right unilateral coronal craniosynostosis. Both patients were clinically asymptomatic but displayed characteristic craniofacial features associated with each disorder. One patient underwent a bilateral fronto-orbital advancement and the other underwent an endoscopically assisted strip craniectomy with postoperative helmet therapy. Both patients demonstrated good cosmesis at follow-up.

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John M. K. Mislow, Mark R. Proctor, P. Daniel Mcneely, Arin K. Greene, and Gary F. Rogers

✓Calvarial osteolysis is a relatively rare finding in patients with neurofibromatosis. The authors describe two patients with neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and extensive cranial defects associated with underlying dural ectasia. Cranioplasties were performed in both patients with mixed results. One patient underwent cranioplasty using titanium mesh and methylmethacrylate. The other patient underwent an extensive cranioplasty with autogenous iliac crest grafting, and after initial healing has since had further bone resorption. In conclusion, the results of cranial reconstruction in patients with NF1 and dural ectasia are unpredictable because of the tendency for further bone resorption; techniques that protect the graft material from cerebrospinal fluid pulsations via a rigid mesh should be considered.
