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Brian K. Owler, Kathryn A. Browning Carmo, Wendy Bladwell, T. Arieta Fa’asalele, Jane Roxburgh, Tina Kendrick, and Andrew Berry

, where开云体育app官方网站下载入口is not available. In some situations, it may be possible to arrange for a neurosurgeon to travel with a retrieval team to complete the operation. The aformentioned protocol is usually carried out in the event of adult extraaxial collections. General surgeons in rural Australia have become increasingly uncomfortable with operating on children, and none of the patients in the following cases underwent bur hole procedures prior to the arrival of a neurosurgeon. The motivation for offering mobilepediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口was that previous experience

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Nataly Raviv, Nicholas Field, and Matthew A. Adamo

institution’s diagnostic approach to these findings, as well as the association of fever development with existing and impending infections and wound complications. Methods We performed a retrospective study to assesspediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口patients 18 years of age and younger, who had undergone surgery for intracranial tumor resection, craniosynostosis repair, or Chiari decompression at our institution between 2009 and 2018. We selected these pathologies as representative of thepediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口population, as cranial procedures have been shown to have higher rates

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Hormuzdiyar H. Dasenbrock, Timothy R. Smith, and Shenandoah Robinson

preoperative testing and the proportion of patients with abnormal and critical values for each test are depicted in Table 2 . TABLE 2. Preoperative laboratory testing prior topediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口Serum Lab Test % of Patients Obtained Median Value (IQR) Range of Values Median Days Obtained Preop (IQR) % of Abnormal Values Among Obtained Tests % of Critical Values Among Obtained Tests Patients aged 2–18 years * †  Sodium (mEq/L) 58.0 139 (138–141) 120–164 1 (0–4) 6.8 —  BUN (mg/dl) 55.5 12 (9–15) 2–48 1 (0–4) 2.8 —  Creatinine (mg/dl) 55.5 0.44 (0.32–0.60) 0.01–8.0 1 (0

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Ryan P. Lee, Raymond Xu, Pooja Dave, Sonia Ajmera, Jock C. Lillard, David Wallace, Austin Broussard, Mustafa Motiwala, Sebastian Norrdahl, Carissa Howie, Oluwatomi Akinduro, Garrett T. Venable, Nickalus R. Khan, Douglas R. Taylor, Brandy N. Vaughn, and Paul Klimo Jr.

applied to neurosurgical departments with residency training programs in the United States and Canada but has not yet been applied topediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口fellowship programs. 17 , 18 , 27 Another limitation of the h -index is that it does not take into account the degree of contribution of the author to the publication. For neurosurgical publications, the first, second, and last authors typically contribute disproportionately more to the project than the middle author(s). This contribution may not only be in terms of time, but also in resources (e.g., laboratory

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Alexander P. Simko, Mark L. Hudak, Sabrina H. Han, Jinhai Huo, Kelsey Hayward, and Philipp R. Aldana

I n some specialtypediatrichealthcare fields such aspediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口, the limited number of physicians causes coverage gaps for certain patient populations. In general, services and facilities are concentrated in urban centers, thereby creating access disparities for patients who reside in remote rural areas. 1 Furthermore, because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, minimization of in-person contact has encouraged a broader use of social distancing practices. 2 Telemedicine can be implemented to provide healthcare at a distance and

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Melanie G. Hayden Gephart, Bonnie P. Taft, Anne-Katrin Giese, Raphael Guzman, and Michael S. B. Edwards

temporal lobe, cerebellum, brainstem, and basal ganglia. 3 Some patients may also have contrast enhancement, restricted diffusion (vasogenic more frequently than cytotoxic edema), and rarely hemorrhage. 5 , 8 Figure 1 shows the neuroimaging presentation of our 2 patients. Disease Management Standard early treatment of PRES includes the control of hypertension and seizures. 10 If chemotherapy and immunosuppression are thought to be inciting agents, one must stop these treatments. 10 Forpediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口patients this may include an aggressive weaning of

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Nazel Oliveira Filho, Rodrigo L. Alves, Adriano T. Fernandes, Fernanda S. P. Castro, José Roberto Tude Melo, and Norma S. P. Módolo

trauma and underwent emergency开云体育app官方网站下载入口. They found blood glucose levels of 200 mg/dl or higher in 32% of the patients during the intraoperative period. The greater incidence of hyperglycemia, despite the higher threshold for its diagnosis, was most likely related to an earlier and more intense activation of the metabolic response at the time of the head trauma, compared with an elective procedure. Approximately half of the individuals in our sample presented with hyperglycemia within the first 24 hours of the postoperative period. In a study ofpediatric

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Eylem Ocal, Eliana E. Kim, Milagros Niquen-Jimenez, Gleice Salibe de Oliveira, Souad Bakhti, Suchanda Bhattacharjee, Giselle Coelho, Wirginia Maixner, Martina Messing-Jünger, Nabila Taghlit, and Nelci Zanon

Neurological Surgeons Section onPediatricNeurological Surgery, the Asian-Australasian Society forPediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口, the BritishPaediatricNeurosurgical Group, the Brazilian Society forPediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口,印度社会forPediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口(INDSPN), as well as personal communications with the leaders of these organizations. All data were gathered from inception to April 19, 2021. Results Women inPediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口Worldwide The first international society focused onpediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口was the European Society forPediatric

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Erik J. van Lindert, Sebastian Arts, Laura M. Blok, Mark P. Hendriks, Luc Tielens, Martine van Bilsen, and Hans Delye

. Intraoperative complications coming to the attention of the anesthesiologist may go unnoticed by the surgeon, especially if they are archived in an anesthesiological database. Some of these complications may occur during phases of the surgery in which the surgeon is not in the operating theater but may affect surgery and surgical outcome. The results of prospective surveillance of complications were published in an article by Drake et al., 10 and that study constituted the first report on complications inpediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口, but the authors did not mention intraoperative

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there is unanimity. It is of importance to note that these are matters of interest and that, accordingly, they are being discussed. I once heard someone quote Harvey Cushing as having said that a new neurosurgical organization should be formed every 10 years. If this is true, we surely took his advice. There is now a Section forPediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口within the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, an International Society forPaediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口, and a Japanese Society forPediatric开云体育app官方网站下载入口. I know that serious thought is being given to forming
