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  • Author or Editor: Marc R. Del Bigiox
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Abdulghader M. Alfasi, Alexander V. Shulyakov, and Marc R. Del Bigio


The goal of this study was to examine the mechanical properties of living rat intracranial contents and corresponding brain structural alterations following parietal cerebral cortex contusion.


After being anesthetized, young adult rats were subjected to parietal craniotomy followed by cortical contusion using a calibrated weight-drop method. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to visualize the contusion. At the site of contusion, instrumented force-controlled indentation was performed 2 hours to 21 days later on the intact dural surface. The force-deformation (stress-strain) relationship was used to calculate elastic (indentation modulus) and strain changes over time, and constant hold or cyclic stress was used to evaluate viscoelastic deformation. These measurements were followed by histological studies.


At contusion sites, the indentation modulus was significantly decreased at 1–3 days and tended to be above control values at 21 days. Multicycle indentation showed that the brain tended to accumulate more strain (an indicator of viscosity) by 1 day after the contusion. Imaging and histological studies showed local edema and hemorrhage at 6 hours to 3 days and accumulation of reactive astrocytes, which began at 3 days and was pronounced by 21 days.


The viscoelastic properties of living rat brain change following contusion. Initially, edema and tissue necrosis occur, and the brain becomes less elastic and less viscous. Later, along with undergoing reactive astroglial changes, the brain tends to become stiffer than normal. These quantitative data, which are related to the physical changes in the brain following trauma and which reflect subjective impressions upon palpation, will be useful for understanding emerging diagnostic tools such as magnetic resonance elastography.

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Kesava K. V. Reddy, Marc R. Del Bigio, and Garnette R. Sutherland

✓ Although posttraumatic syringomyelia is a well-established clinicopathological entity, there is a paucity of information on the ultrastructural features of this condition. This study documents the light and electron microscopic features of posttraumatic syringes obtained from two patients who underwent surgical cordectomy. The syringes were lined largely by cell processes of astrocytes. Small regions near the caudal end were lined by flattened ependymal cells that lacked surface specializations. These were thought to represent remnants of the central canal ependyma. The ultrastructural appearance of the syrinx was similar to that of the communicating syringomyelia as well as the periventricular changes that accompany hydrocephalus. The authors conclude that the changes represent the nonspecific sequelae of a distensile force within the syrinx cavity.

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David B. Phillips, Marc R. Del Bigio, and Anthony M. Kaufmann


In this report, the authors describe the pathological changes in the human trigeminal nerve after Gamma Knife radiosurgery.


Three trigeminal nerves of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)–related trigeminal neuralgia (MSTN) after Gamma Knife radiosurgery and other ablative procedures were examined by a neuropathologist. These cases were compared with 3 patients with typical TN who underwent partial surgical rhizotomy following recurrent symptoms after gasserian injury procedures, as well as with autopsy specimens from patients with and without MSTN.


The three irradiated MS-TN specimens exhibited axon loss, demyelination, myelin debris, and fibrosis. Mild lymphocytic infiltrate was present in all 3 samples from MS-TN patients. The nonirradiated trigeminal nerve samples were generally well myelinated with rare degenerating axons. The microscopic findings in trigeminal nerve autopsy specimens were normal in patients without TN, with MS but not TN, and MS-TN.


The inflammation observed in MS-TN specimens collected following Gamma Knife radiosurgery has not previously been described in the literature. These data provide new insight into the changes that occur in trigeminal nerve following stereotactic radiosurgery.

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Paul D. Chumas, Marc R. Del Bigio, James M. Drake, and Ursula I. Tuor

✓ It has recently been reported that pretreatment with a single dose of dexamethasone (0.1 mg/kg) 24 hours before hypoxia in 7-day-old rat pups is protective against an hypoxic-ischemic insult (unilateral carotid artery occlusion followed by 3 hours of hypoxia in 8% O2). The authors now examine whether pretreatment 6 hours before insult is equally effective and compare other agents potentially suitable for prophylaxis in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia, including the calcium antagonists flunarizine (30 mg/kg pretreatment), nimodipine (0.5 mg/kg pretreatment), and the 21-aminosteroid U-74389F (10 mg/kg pre- and posttreatment). For each active agent, there was also a vehicle-treated control group.

Comparison of the mean area of ipsilateral infarction on brain coronal sections showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the various control groups (mean area of infarction 66% ± 4%). Pretreatment with dexamethasone 6 hours prior to hypoxia offered complete protection with no infarction. A beneficial effect was seen following pretreatment with flunarizine (mean area of infarction 33.6% ± 7.8%), although this degree of damage was still significantly different from that seen with dexamethasone pretreatment. Pretreatment with nimodipine or U-74389F offered no protection (mean area of infarction 77.5% ± 4% and 59% ± 10%, respectively). Unlike findings in adult animals and clinical studies, the current studies show that dexamethasone may have a role in the treatment of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia and deserves reappraisal.

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Paul D. Chumas, James M. Drake, Marc R. Del Bigio, Marcia Da Silva, and Ursula I. Tuor

✓ The metabolic changes in neonatal hydrocephalus that lead to permanent brain injury are not clearly defined, nor is the extent to which these changes can be prevented by a cerebrospinal fluid shunt. To clarify these processes, cerebral glucose utilization was examined using [14C]2-deoxyglucose autoradiography in 1-month-old kittens, kaolin-induced hydrocephalic littermates, and hydrocephalic kittens in which a ventriculoperitoneal shunt had been inserted 10 days after kaolin injection. The hydrocephalic kittens showed thinning of the cerebral mantle and an anterior-to-posterior gradient of enlargement of the ventricular system, with a ventricle:brain ratio of 24% for the frontal and 35% for the occipital horns compared with control (< 0.5%) and shunted (< 5%) animals. White matter in hydrocephalic animals was edematous. Myelination was delayed in the periventricular region and in the cores of the cerebral gyri.

Glucose utilization in hydrocephalic and shunted animals was unchanged from control animals in all gray-matter regions examined. However, in hydrocephalic animals, the frontal white matter exhibited a significant increase in glucose utilization (25 µmol • 100 gm−1• min−1) in the cores of gyri compared with normal surrounding white-matter values (14.8 µmol • 100 gm−1• min−1). Very low values (mean 4 µmol • 100 gm−1• min−1) were found in areas corresponding to severe white-matter edema, and these areas were surrounded by a halo of increased activity (24 µmol • 100 gm−1• min−1). In contrast, cytochrome oxidase activity in white matter was homogeneous. Shunting resulted in restoration of the cerebral mantle thickness, a return to normal levels of glucose utilization in the white matter, and an improvement in myelination.

It is suggested that the areas of increased glucose utilization seen in the white matter represent anaerobic glycolysis which, if untreated, progresses to infarction. The pattern of this increased glucose utilization matches that of expected myelination and, during this period of high energy demand, white matter may be susceptible to the hypoperfusion associated with hydrocephalus.

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Michael J. Ellis, Colin J. Kazina, Marc R. Del Bigio, and Patrick J. McDonald

✓Shunt failure is commonly associated with infection or mechanical obstruction of the shunt system. The presence of eosinophilia in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has been associated with CSF shunt failure and may be related to both latex and shunt allergies. The authors describe the case of a child with a latex allergy who presented with 10 episodes of shunt failure over a period of 93 months. Cerebrospinal fluid sampling demonstrated persistent eosinophilia (3–36%) and negative cultures. Pathological examination of the ventricular catheter on 3 occasions demonstrated mechanical obstruction by inflammatory debris consisting largely of eosinophils and multinucleated giant cells. On the suspicion that the child might have some uncharacterized allergy to the shunt hardware, shunt replacement was performed using an “extracted” shunt system. The child has remained free of shunt malfunction for > 2 years since the last surgery. Immune responses to unpolymerized silicone are discussed.

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Marc R. Del Bigio, Ravinder K. Sidhu, Colin J. Kazina, and Demitre Serletis


Tissue reactions that contribute to obstruction of peritoneal catheters in ventriculoperitoneal shunt systems are not well characterized. Several recent rapid obstructions in children prompted a retrospective quality assurance review.


作者进行了详细的调查22 surgically explanted peritoneal shunt catheters and 8 autopsy cases with documented distal shunt obstruction. Patients’ medical histories were reviewed, and the catheters and/or tissues were subjected to conventional histological and immunohistochemical evaluations. In addition, 3 cases were subjected to electron microscopic examination including elemental analysis.


The majority of symptomatic obstructions were associated with distal slit catheters (17 slit, 3 open-end, and 2 unknown type). Among the autopsy cases, deaths were attributed to shunt failure in 2 cases of slit catheter obstruction, 1 case of open-end catheter obstruction, and 1 case of catheter withdrawal from the peritoneal cavity. The early tissue response consisted of a predominantly T lymphocyte accumulation with phagocytosis of graphite particles by macrophages. This is associated with proliferation of fibroblasts, mesothelial cells, and blood vessels, which can grow through the slits and occlude the catheter lumen. As the inflammation subsides after approximately 1 year, the tissue plug becomes collagenized and calcified.


This study, supported by experimental literature in other organ systems, indicates that graphite used to coat the slit openings of distal catheters from ventriculoperitoneal shunts likely predisposes to obstruction. Neurosurgeons and manufacturers should consider the potential negative consequences of this shunt design. The authors concur with previous recommendations that slit-valve distal catheters should not be used for ventriculoperitoneal shunting unless they can be proven safe and efficacious in a controlled trial.

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Andrew Ajisebutu, Marc R. Del Bigio, Colin J. Kazina, Michael West, and Demitre Serletis

1950年,德怀特·帕金森是第一个合格neurosurgeon to arrive in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He played a monumental role in developing one of the earliest neurosurgical training programs in Western Canada. Parkinson was a pioneering neurosurgeon who served as the first president of the Canadian Neurosurgical Society in 1965. He was the epitome of the skull base neurosurgeon, which was not recognized as a distinct discipline at that time. He contributed to its development through detailed neuroanatomical study of the lateral sellar compartment (housing the parasellar venous plexus, a term he emphasized as more accurate than “cavernous sinus”). Parkinson also made seminal contributions to the management of cerebrovascular disease and offered new insights on cerebral concussion. Parkinson’s dedication to clinical excellence and education laid a cornerstone for the development of neurosurgery and the neurosciences in Manitoba, making him a key figure in Canadian neurosurgery. Using published materials, online resources, hospital archives, and personal interviews, the authors conducted a systematic review of Parkinson’s formative years, his development of the Section of Neurosurgery at the University of Manitoba, his achievements, and his legacy. This updated biography captures the exploits of this remarkable, and at times strictly disciplinarian, neurosurgeon-anatomist.

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Tomasz Szmuda, Shan Ali, and Paweł Słoniewski

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Michael A. Williams, James P. McAllister, Marion L. Walker, Dory A. Kranz, Marvin Bergsneider, Marc R. Del Bigio, Laurel Fleming, David M. Frim, Katrina Gwinn, John R. W. Kestle, Mark G. Luciano, Joseph R. Madsen, Mary Lou Oster-Granite, and Giovanna Spinella


Treatment for hydrocephalus has not advanced appreciably since the advent of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts more than 50 years ago. Many questions remain that clinical and basic research could address, which in turn could improve therapeutic options. To clarify the main issues facing hydrocephalus research and to identify critical advances necessary to improve outcomes for patients with hydrocephalus, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) sponsored a workshop titled “Hydrocephalus: Myths, New Facts, and Clear Directions.” The purpose of this paper is to report on the recommendations that resulted from that workshop.


The workshop convened from September 29 to October 1, 2005, in Bethesda, Maryland. Among the 150 attendees was an international group of participants, including experts in pediatric and adult hydrocephalus as well as scientists working in related fields, neurosurgeons, laboratory-based neuroscientists, neurologists, patient advocates, individuals with hydrocephalus, parents, and NIH program and intramural staff. Plenary and breakout sessions covered injury and recovery mechanisms, modeling, biomechanics, diagnosis, current treatment and outcomes, complications, quality of life, future treatments, medical devices, development of research networks and information sharing, and education and career development.


结论如下:1)当前的方法s of diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes monitoring need improvement; 2) frequent complications, poor rate of shunt survival, and poor quality of life for patients lead to unsatisfactory outcomes; 3) investigators and caregivers need additional methods to monitor neurocognitive function and control of CSF variables such as pressure, flow, or pulsatility; 4) research warrants novel interdisciplinary approaches; 5) understanding of the pathophysiological and recovery mechanisms of neuronal function in hydrocephalus is poor, warranting further investigation; and 6) both basic and clinical aspects warrant expanded and innovative training programs.


The research priorities of this workshop provide critical guidance for future research in hydrocephalus, which should result in advances in knowledge, and ultimately in the treatment for this important disorder and improved outcomes in patients of all ages.
