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You Gyoung Yi, Keewon Kim, Hyung-Ik Shin, Moon Suk Bang, Hee-Soo Kim, Jinwoo Choi, Kyu-Chang Wang, Seung-Ki Kim, Ji Yeoun Lee, Ji Hoon Phi, and Han Gil Seo


This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and safety of intraoperative motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring in infants less than 3 months of age.


The authors investigated 25 cases in which infants younger than 3 months (mean age 72.8 days, range 39–87) underwent neurosurgery between 2014 and 2017. Myogenic MEPs were obtained through transcranial electrical stimulation. In all cases, surgery was performed under total intravenous anesthesia, maintained with remifentanil and propofol.


MEPs were documented in 24 infants, the sole exception being 1 infant who was lethargic and had 4-limb weakness before surgery. The mean stimulation intensity maintained during monitoring was 596 ± 154 V (range 290–900 V). In 19 of 24 infants MEP signals remained at ≥ 50% of the baseline amplitude throughout the operation. Among 5 cases with a decrease in intraoperative MEP amplitude, the MEP signal was recovered in one during surgery, and in the other case a neurological examination could not be performed after surgery. In the other 3 cases, 2 infants had relevant postoperative weakness and the other did not show postoperative neurological deficits. Postoperative weakness was not observed in any of the 20 infants who had no deterioration (n = 19) or only temporary deterioration (n = 1) in MEP signal during surgery.


经颅电议员可能会实现during neurosurgery in infants between 1 and 3 months of age. Intraoperative MEP monitoring may be a safe adjunct for neurosurgical procedures in these very young patients.

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Jong Seok Lee, Yong Hwy Kim, Eun Jung Koh, Ji Hoon Phi, Ji Yeoun Lee, Kyung Hyun Kim, Kyu-Chang Wang, Jung-Eun Cheon, Sung-Hye Park, Young Ah Lee, Choong Ho Shin, and Seung-Ki Kim


Rathke’s cleft cyst (RCC) is the most commonly encountered pituitary incidentaloma in children. Because RCC is not frequently diagnosed in children, there are few reports on pediatric RCCs. The natural course of the disease and appropriate treatments are still obscure. The present study aimed to elucidate the natural history and surgical indications of RCCs in children.


The authors retrospectively reviewed the clinical presentations, imaging features, ophthalmological evaluations, endocrine evaluations, and surgical outcomes of pediatric RCCs at a single institution from January 2000 to October 2022. Clinical outcomes between the surgery and observation groups were compared.


Among 93 patients, there were 41 patients in the surgery group and 52 patients in the observation group. The mean age at diagnosis was 10.9 years, and the mean follow-up period was 5.6 years. Headache fully or partially improved after surgery (86.2%), but the rate of improvement was not different from that of the observation group (70.0%). Ophthalmological abnormalities were effectively improved by surgical treatment (93.3%). Both the improvement and deterioration rates of endocrine abnormalities were significantly higher in the surgery group (p = 0.026 and p < 0.001, respectively), but the deterioration rate (43.9%) was higher than the improvement rate (14.6%). In the surgery group, the recurrence rate was 17.1% and the reoperation rate was 4.9%. Compared with total cyst wall resection, cyst fenestration with partial wall resection was associated with a higher recurrence rate (26.9%, p = 0.035) but a lower rate of endocrine abnormalities (30.8%, p = 0.049).


Pediatric RCCs of ≥ 10 mm in size were analyzed. Ophthalmological abnormalities are the major surgical indications for pediatric RCCs. Headache and partial endocrine abnormalities may be improved with surgery, but they are not absolute indications for surgery. Cyst fenestration with partial wall resection via an endoscopic endonasal approach is the most recommended surgical method. Follow-up is essential to monitor for the occurrence of visual field defects and the recurrence of cysts.

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Jung Won Choi, Ji Yeoun Lee, Ji Hoon Phi, Kyu-Chang Wang, Hyun-Tai Chung, Sun Ha Paek, Dong Gyu Kim, Sung-Hye Park, and Seung-Ki Kim


Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal-dominant inherited disease, characterized by multiple neoplasia syndromes, including meningioma, schwannoma, glioma, and ependymoma. In this report, the authors present their clinical experience with pediatric NF2 patients. In particular, they focused on the clinical course of vestibular schwannoma (VS), including the natural growth rate, tumor control, and functional hearing outcomes.


From May 1988 to June 2012, the authors recruited patients who were younger than 18 years and fulfilled the Manchester criteria. In total, 25 patients were enrolled in this study. The authors analyzed the clinical course of these patients. In addition, they measured the natural growth rate of VS before any treatment in these children with NF2. Then, they evaluated the tumor control rate and functional hearing outcomes after the treatment of VS.


The mean age at the onset of NF2-related symptoms was 9.9 ± 4.5 years (mean ± SD, range 1–17 years). The mean age at the diagnosis of NF2 was 12.9 ± 2.9 years (range 5–17 years). The mean follow-up period was 89.3 months (range 12–311 months). As initial manifestations, nonvestibular symptoms were frequently observed in pediatric patients with NF2. The mean natural growth rate of VS was 0.33 ± 0.41 cm3/year (range 0–1.35 cm3/year). The tumor control rate of VS was 35.3% at 3 years after Gamma Knife surgery (GKS). The actuarial rate of useful hearing preservation was 67% in the 1st year and 53% in the 5th year after GKS.


Clinical manifestations in children with NF2 were highly variable, compared with their adult counterparts. The natural growth rate of VS in children is slow, and this oncological feature may explain the diverse clinical manifestations besides vestibular symptoms in children with NF2. The treatment outcome of GKS for VS in children with NF2 was not favorable compared with previous reports of affected adults.

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Kyung-Ho Park, Jaeho Lee, Chul-Gyu Yoo, Young Whan Kim, Sung Koo Han, Young-Soo Shim, Seung-Ki Kim, Kyu-Chang Wang, Byung-Kyu Cho, and Choon-Taek Lee

Object.Malignant glioma could be an ideal candidate for local gene therapy because its invasion is local and it has little metastatic potential. A low expression level and high degradation activity of p27 are known to constitute an independent poor prognostic factor in patients with malignant glioma. In this study, the authors investigated the roles of wild-type p27 and mutant p27 on the treatment of malignant glioma.

Methods.The authors used two adenoviruses: one expressed wild-type p27 (ad-p27wt) and the other, containing a mutation at the major metabolic site, expressed mutant p27 (ad-p27mt). The antitumor effects of the two adenoviruses were compared with respect to cell growth arrest, cell cycle alteration, apoptosis induction, and in vitro tumorigenicity in three glioblastoma mutiforme (GBM) cell lines and in a primary GBM cell line. Transduction with ad-p27wt or ad-p27mt induced the production of p27 and the dephosphorylation of pRB. The protein level of mutant p27 was significantly higher than that of wild-type p27. The ad-p27wt induced cell cycle arrest at the G1—S transition point, whereas the ad-p27mt induced arrest at the G2—M point. Both ad-p27wt and ad-p27mt induced a growth-inhibiting effect, apoptosis, and suppression of in vitro tumorigenicity; however, ad-p27mt displayed a stronger antitumor effect than ad-p27wt in brain tumor cell lines.

Conclusions.Gene therapy involvingp27, especially mutantp27,有潜力成为小说和战俘erful therapy for malignant glioma.

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Chang Sub Lee, Seok Ho Hong, Kyu-Chang Wang, Seung-Ki Kim, Joong Shin Park, Jong-Kwan Jun, Bo Hyun Yoon, Young-Ho Lee, Son Moon Shin, Yeon Kyung Lee, and Byung-Kyu Cho


胎儿的预后ventriculomegaly(有限体积法)的变化es because of the disease’s heterogeneity and the diversity of accompanying anomalies. Moreover, the cases that are referred to neurosurgeons may have different clinical features from those typically encountered by obstetricians. The object of this study was to delineate the prognosis of FVM in cases for which neurosurgical consultation was sought.


Forty-four cases of FVM that were diagnosed before birth and referred to neurosurgeons for prenatal consultation were analyzed retrospectively. Twenty-five of the 44 patients had accompanying anomalies, but in only three (12%) of the cases were they detected prenatally. Postnatal imaging studies revealed that agenesis of the corpus callosum (nine cases) was the most common associated anomaly. Neuronal migration disorders, periventricular leukomalacia, and arachnoid cysts were present in four cases each, and aqueductal stenosis was present in three cases.

Thirty-three patients were followed up longer than 11 months; in 15 (45%) delayed cognitive and/or motor development was documented, and all had accompanying anomalies. All 10 of the patients with isolated FVM exhibited normal development during the follow-up period. Eleven (25%) of the 44 patients underwent neurosurgical interventions for ventriculomegaly, which included ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement in seven cases. Four patients (9%) died.


The authors conclude that delayed development and disturbed functional status in patients in whom FVM was diagnosed prenatally are closely related to the presence of certain accompanying anomalies. On postnatal examination, more than half of the patients in whom the diagnosis of FVM was based on ultrasonography findings and whose parents were offered prenatal neurosurgical consultation were found to have additional anomalies that were not detected prenatally. Because of the possibility of additional undiagnosed anomalies, consulting neurosurgeons should be cautious in giving a prognosis in cases of FVM, even when prenatal ultrasonography reveals isolated ventriculomegaly and tests for intrauterine infection and chromosomal abnormality yield negative results.
