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JNS: Spine Information for Authors

Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine

首次出版于1999年作为一个季度的补充to theJournal of Neurosurgery,JNS: Spinequickly grew in volume and frequency, and became an independent monthly journal in 2004. JNS: Spine provides the latest techniques and research findings in the rapidly advancing area of spine surgery.

  • Journal of NeurosurgeryImpact Factor (2021): 3.467
  • 打印ISSN: 1547 - 5654
  • Online ISSN: 1547-5646

Should you need any assistance with submission or have any questions, please contactSam Geouge(434-270-1063).

Any manuscript that does not meet formatting requirements will be returned for correction before it is considered for peer review.

Please note that all submissions are screened through iThenticate Plagiarism Prevention software.

Instructions & Forms

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are assigned to an editor for initial review and triage. Manuscripts that are immediately deemed inappropriate for the journal are rapidly rejected with comments from the assigned Editor.

All remaining manuscripts are sent out for peer review. Peer Review for JNS is single-blind and reviews are performed consecutively. We limit requesting reviews from only our dedicated Editorial Board or from a small group of specialized ad hoc reviewers, who have been personally vetted by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC). The EIC reviews all manuscripts along with the reviewers’ comments before making a final decision to accept the submission for publication.

Manuscript Content and Formatting

To ensure that submissions are correctly formatted, we encourage all authors to use ourManuscript Template. Piror to submitting your manuscript, authors are required to complete and upload to the submission site theNew Submission Checklist. TheRevision Checklistis required to be uploaded when uploading your revisions.

For specific information regarding requirements for your manuscript type, please refer to yourManuscript Limits Policy.

When preparing their manuscript, authors should follow reporting requirements specific to their subject matter. These requirement guidelines (and others) can be accessed via the EQUATOR Network website. At the time of submission, authors should submit the appropriate checklist with their paper.

人事处en Access/Fees

The JNSPG now offers an open access option Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license (see for accepted manuscripts in our print journals for a fee of $3000.

The JNSPG does not charge a submission fee, nor do we charge authors to publish their manuscript; however, there are enhancements that can be associated with the publication that would result in extra charges. Click here for a full list of possible fees associated with publication.

Journal of Neurosurgeryarticles are indexed in:

  • PubMed/MEDLINE
  • Web of Science
  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Current Contents - Clinical Medicine