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Open access

Lekhaj C. Daggubati, Justin R. Davanzo, and Elias B. Rizk

Neuromas are a difficult-to-treat peripheral nerve pathology that can cause crippling pain. Optimal treatment is widely debated as pharmacological intervention frequently is not sufficient and surgical interventions are plagued with recurrence. The majority of amputees report severe and chronic stump pain. Avoiding complex surgery at the stump site would prevent infection or wound dehiscence. Recent advances in neuromodulation with external pulse emitters allow for pain relief with localized nerve stimulation. The authors describe the novel placement of a sciatic nerve stimulator in a 77-year-old man for painful stump neuromas of the common peroneal and tibial nerves.


Open access

Lekhaj C. Daggubati, Varun Padmanaban, and Ephraim W. Church


The bonnet bypass was initially described for common carotid artery occlusion. Considered a second-generation bypass, it augments intracranial perfusion with contralateral external carotid artery flow through an interposition graft running over the scalp vertex. However, the traditional first-generation low-flow superficial temporal artery (STA)-M4 middle cerebral artery (MCA) bypass may be enhanced by performing a side-to-side (S-S) bypass with an intraluminal suture technique (fourth-generation bypass) to increase perfusion through antegrade and retrograde flow.


The authors present a reimagined S-S STA-M4 bypass in the case of a patient with symptomatic common carotid occlusion, in which the ipsilateral STA filled in a reverse fashion from the contralateral external carotid branches over the scalp vertex (bonnet collaterals). By performing an S-S anastomosis, the authors were able to improve cerebral perfusion and avoid the multiple anastomosis sites of the bonnet bypass.


The patient had a good recovery with resolution of his preoperative symptoms. Follow-up angiography showed a patent bypass supplying the MCA territory through retrograde flow in the frontal and parietal limbs of the STA, converging at the anastomosis site. In this report, the authors present a new fourth-generation bypass dubbed the “S-S reverse STA-M4 MCA bypass.”

Restricted access

保Debarati Bhanja, y Sciscent, Lekhaj C。Daggubati, Casey A. Ryan, Natalie K. Pahapill, Sprague W. Hazard, and Elias B. Rizk


Awake craniotomy (AC) is employed to maximize tumor resection while preserving neurological function in eloquent brain tissue. This technique is used frequently in adults but remains poorly established in children. Its use has been limited due to concern for children’s neuropsychological differences compared with adults and how these differences may interfere with the safety and feasibility of the procedure. Among studies that have reported pediatric ACs, complication rates and anesthetic management vary. This systematic review was performed to comprehensively analyze outcomes and synthesize anesthetic protocols of pediatric ACs.


The authors followed PRISMA guidelines to extract studies that reported AC in children with intracranial pathologies. The Medline/PubMed, Ovid, and Embase databases were searched from database inception to 2021, using the terms ("awake") AND ("Pediatric*" OR "child*") AND (("brain" AND "surgery") OR "craniotomy"). Data extracted included patient age, pathology, and anesthetic protocol. Primary outcomes assessed were premature conversion to general anesthesia, intraoperative seizures, completion of monitoring tasks, and postoperative complications.


Thirty eligible studies published from 1997 to 2020 were included that described a total of 130 children ranging in age from 7 to 17 years who had undergone AC. Of all patients reported, 59% were male and 70% had left-sided lesions. Procedure indications included the following etiologies: tumors (77.6%), epilepsy (20%), and vascular disorders (2.4%). Four (4.1%) of 98 patients required conversion to general anesthesia due to complications or discomfort during AC. In addition, 8 (7.8%) of 103 patients experienced intraoperative seizures. Furthermore, 19 (20.6%) of 92 patients had difficulty completing monitoring tasks. Postoperative complications occurred in 19 (19.4%) of 98 patients and included aphasia (n = 4), hemiparesis (n = 2), sensory deficit (n = 3), motor deficit (n = 4), or others (n = 6). The most commonly reported anesthetic techniques were asleep-awake-asleep protocols using propofol, remifentanil or fentanyl, a local scalp nerve block, and with or without dexmedetomidine.


The findings of this systematic review suggest the tolerability and safety of ACs in the pediatric population. Although pediatric intracranial pathologies pose etiologies that certainly may benefit from AC, there is a need for surgeons and anesthesiologists to perform individualized risk-benefit analyses due to the risks associated with awake procedures in children. Age-specific, standardized guidelines for preoperative planning, intraoperative mapping, monitoring tasks, and anesthesia protocols will help to continue minimizing complications, while improving tolerability, and streamlining workflow in the treatment of this patient population.

Free access

Meredith C. Costello, Greeshma Venigalla, Martín A. Merenzon, Shovan Bhatia, Alexis A. Morell, Lekhaj Daggubati, Evan Luther, Ashish H. Shah, Ricardo J. Komotar, and Michael E. Ivan


Ovarian cancer is a rare origin of brain metastasis (BM), with an incidence of only 1%–3%. Consequently, the literature is sparse, and no treatment consensus guideline is available for ovarian BM. The authors conducted a systematic review of ovarian BM and performed a combined pooled cohort survival analysis with their case series.


A systematic review of PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science consistent with PRISMA guidelines along with an institutional retrospective chart review was conducted. Inclusion criteria for the systematic review included patients with confirmed BM and primary ovarian cancer, reported perioperative complications and outcomes, differentiated histology, and explicitly reported individual patient data. Reviews, commentaries, technical notes, and articles without English-language translations were excluded. The Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale was used independently by the first and second authors to assess the quality of each article. The authors performed univariate and multivariate analyses of several survival prognostic factors. Kaplan-Meier curves were generated for significant prognostic factors in the univariate analysis.


A total of 48 patients with individual data across 34 studies and 8 patients from the authors’ institution were included. All patients (n = 56) underwent resection for BM; 83.9% received adjuvant radiotherapy following surgery and 41.1% of patients received adjuvant chemotherapy. The median progression-free survival was 12 months (range 2–43 months). The median overall survival was 9 months (range 1–49 months). On univariate analysis, a single BM and no extracranial metastasis conferred a survival benefit, while clear cell carcinoma as the primary histology corresponded to worsened OS. Multivariable analysis showed that age > 50 years (p = 0.002) and > 1 BM (p < 0.001) were risk factors for poor prognosis. Protective factors included the addition of the following multimodal adjuvant therapy with surgery: radiotherapy (p = 0.002), chemotherapy and radiotherapy (p = 0.005), and stereotactic radiosurgery (p = 0.002).


Although the scarcity of published individual patient data hinders the determination of optimal management, the authors’ analysis highlights that multimodal therapies, a single cranial lesion, and age < 50 years are associated with increased survival for patients with ovarian BMs.
