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Manuscript Limits Policy

Requirements for Authors

In addition to adhering to the limits outlined in the Manuscript Limits table, authorsmust listcounts for the following items on the title page of the manuscript:

  • Abstract word count
  • Text word count
  • Number of references
  • Number of tables and/or figures (total)
  • Number of videos

When submitting revisions, authorsmust updatethe counts on the title page of the manuscript.

Peer-review staff will verify that the limits are not exceeded. Please adhere to our policy in order to avoid any delays.

Manuscript Limits

Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics

Article Type Definition Abstract* Text* Tables & Figures† Videos References
Clinical article Original research in 5 or more human subjects 375‡ 4000 8 2 45
Laboratory investigation Original research in cadavers, animals, cell lines, or basic science 375‡ 4000 8 2 45
Literature review (including systematic review) Reviews and/or meta-analyses of neurosurgical topics or large indexing databases (e.g., PubMed, EMBASE) 375 4000 8 2 75
Technical note Description of a novel procedure or technique 200 2500 5 2 45
Historical vignette Reporting on the neurosurgical significance of an event, person, or period in history 200 3500 8 2 45
Opinion piece NA 3500 5 2 45
Letter to the Editor or response Comments on an article published in a JNSPG journal within the 2 years prior to submission of the letter NA 500 1 figure or 1 table or 1 video 10

Other JNSPG journals

Article Type Definition Abstract* Text* Tables & Figures† Videos References
Neurosurgical Focus§ Topic-based articles 375 3500 8 2 75
Neurosurgical Focus: Video¶ Topic-based video articles 100‡ NA As supplemental data only 1 10
Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons The observations and lessons learned from a single case or limited case series 200‡ 3000 5 2 45

NA = not applicable.
* Total number of words. Text = words from the Introduction through the Conclusions of the manuscript; the Abstract, Acknowledgements, References, and end matter are not included in the text total.
† Values are totals (tables + figures). JNSPG does not accept tables divided into parts (e.g., Table 1A, Table 1B, etc.); each part will be considered a separate table, and the manu- script will be returned to the author for renumbering.
‡ Indicates a structured abstract is required (headings for Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions).
§ Applies to original articles. For letters to the editor and opinion pieces, use the print journal limits.
¶ Videos may be no longer than 10 minutes in length.
