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Ho Jun Seol, Kyu-Chang Wang, Seung-Ki Kim, Yong-Seung Hwang, Ki Joong Kim, and Byung-Kyu Cho


患者既往无卒中发作的烟雾病头痛的抱怨e before surgery, after surgery, or in both periods. To clarify the pathophysiological features of these headaches which are one of the major symptoms in moyamoya disease after indirect bypass surgery, the authors reviewed data obtained in patients with moyamoya disease who underwent such surgery at their institute.


The authors surveyed 204 children with moyamoya disease younger than 17 years of age who underwent indirect bypass surgery consecutively between 1988 and 2000. If headache and associated symptoms disturbed their daily activity, required rest and/or medication, and occurred at least once a month, the headache was regarded as significant and the patient was included in the study. A postoperative headache was defined as the presence of significant headache 12 months after the operation or later. Preoperative headache was documented in 44 patients. Postoperative headache was observed in 63% (28 of 44) of the patients with preoperative headache and in 6.3% (10 of 160) of those without preoperative headache. Aggravation on postoperative magnetic resonance images or single-photon emission computerized tomography scans did not correlate with this symptom (p = 0.729 and 0.203, respectively). The clinical course had the following features: 1) a coexisting stage of headache and transient ischemic attack; 2) a second stage of headache only; and 3) a final stage of improvement or disappearance of headache.


The authors demonstrated that headaches can persist or develop after indirect bypass surgery despite successful prevention of cerebral ischemia. In addition to decreased cerebral blood flow, progressive recruitment and redistribution of blood flow should be considered as a cause of headaches in patients with moyamoya disease.

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Kyung Hyun Kim, Eun Hwa Choi, and Seung-Ki Kim

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Jong-myung Jung, Seung-Jae Hyun, Ki-Jeong Kim, and Tae-Ahn Jahng


This study investigated the incidence and risk factors of rod fracture (RF) after multiple-rod constructs (MRCs) for adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery.


A single-center, single-surgeon consecutive series of adult patients who underwent posterior thoracolumbar fusion at 4 or more levels using MRCs after osteotomy with at least 1 year of follow-up were retrospectively reviewed. Patient characteristics, radiological parameters, operative data, and clinical outcomes (on the Scoliosis Research Society-22r questionnaire) were analyzed at baseline and follow-up.


Seventy-six patients were enrolled in this study. RF occurred in 9 patients (11.8%), with all cases involving partial rod breakage. Seven patients (9.2%) underwent revision surgery. There were no significant differences in baseline demographic characteristics, radiological parameters, and surgical factors between the RF and non-RF groups. Multivariable analysis revealed that interbody fusion at the L5–S1 and L4–S1 levels could significantly reduce the occurrence of RF after MRCs for ASD (adjusted odds ratios 0.070 and 0.035, respectively). The RF group had significantly worse function score (mean 2.9 ± 0.8 vs 3.5 ± 0.7) and pain score (mean 2.8 ± 1.0 vs 3.5 ± 0.8) compared with the non-RF group at last visit.


RF occurred in 11.8% of patients with MRCs after ASD surgery. Most RFs occurred at the lumbosacral junction or adjacent level (77%). Interbody fusion at the lumbosacral junction (L5–S1 or L4–S1 level) could significantly prevent the occurrence of RF after MRCs for ASD.

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Sang-Hyun Han, Seung-Jae Hyun, Tae-Ahn Jahng, and Ki-Jeong Kim

Spontaneous bilateral pedicle fractures of the lumbar spine are rare, and an optimal surgical treatment has not been suggested. The authors report the case of a 50-year-old woman who presented with low-back pain and right leg radiating pain of 1 year’s duration. Radiological studies revealed a spontaneous bilateral pedicle fracture of L-5. All efforts at conservative treatment failed, and the patient underwent surgery for osteosynthesis of the fractured pedicle using bilateral pedicle screws connected with a bent rod. Her low-back and right leg pain were relieved postoperatively. A CT scan performed 3 months postoperatively revealed the disappearance of the pedicle fracture gap and presence of newly formed bony trabeculation. In rare cases of spontaneous bilateral pedicle fracture of the lumbar spine, osteosynthesis of the fractured pedicle using bilateral pedicle screws and a bent rod is a motion-preserving technique that may be an effective option when conservative management has failed.

Free access

Seung-Jae Hyun, Ki-Jeong Kim, and Tae-Ahn Jahng


No reports have investigated how cervical reconstructive surgery affects global sagittal alignment (GSA), including the lower extremities, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The study was aimed at elucidating the effects of cervical reconstruction on GSA and HRQOL.


Twenty-three patients who underwent reconstructive surgery for cervical kyphosis were divided into a head-balanced group (n = 13) and a trunk-balanced group (n = 10) according to the values of the C7 plumb line, T1 slope (T1S), and pelvic incidence minus lumbar lordosis (PI-LL). Head-balanced patients are those with a negative C7 sagittal vertical axis (SVA), a larger LL than PI, and a low T1S. Trunk-balanced patients are those with a positive SVAC7, a normal PI-LL, and a normal to high T1S. Various sagittal Cobb angles, SVA, and lower-extremity alignment parameters were measured before and after surgery using whole-body stereoradiography.


Cervical malalignment was corrected to achieve cervical sagittal balance and occiput-trunk (OT) concordance (center of gravity [COG]–C7 SVA < 30 mm). Significant changes in the upper cervical spine and thoracolumbar spine were observed in the head-balanced group, but no significant change in lumbopelvic alignment was observed in the trunk-balanced group. Lower-extremity alignment did not change substantially in either group. HRQOL scores improved significantly after surgery in both groups. SVACOG–C7and SVAC2–7were negatively and positively correlated with the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey physical component score and Neck Disability Index, respectively. The visual analog scale for back pain, Oswestry Disability Index, and PI-LL mismatch improved significantly in the head-balanced group after cervical reconstruction surgery.


Patients with cervical kyphosis exhibited compensatory changes in the upper cervical spine and thoracolumbar spine, instead of in the lower extremities. These compensatory mechanisms resolved reciprocally in a different fashion in the head- and trunk-balanced groups. HRQOL scores improved significantly with GSA restoration and OT concordance following cervical reconstruction.

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Seung-Ki Kim, Kyu-Chang Wang, Yong-Seung Hwang, Ki Joong Kim, Jong Hee Chae, In-One Kim, and Byung-Kyu Cho


Ideal epilepsy surgery would eliminate seizures without causing any functional deficits. The aim of the present study was to assess seizure outcomes and complications after epilepsy surgery in children with intractable epilepsy.


Data obtained in 134 children (75 boys and 59 girls) age 17 years or younger who underwent epilepsy surgery at Seoul National University Children's Hospital between 1993 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Epilepsy surgery included temporal resection (59 cases), extratemporal resection (56 cases), functional hemispherectomy (7 cases), callosotomy (9 cases), multiple subpial transection (1 case), and disconnection of a hamartoma (2 cases). The mean follow-up duration was 62.3 months (range 12–168 months).


134年的整体控制发作率为69% (93 cases). The seizure-free rate was significantly higher in children who underwent temporal resection than in those in whom extratemporal resection was performed (88 vs 55%, p < 0.05). The most frequent causes of treatment failure were related to the absence of structural abnormality demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging, development-associated disease, widespread disease documented by postoperative electroencephalography, and limited resection due to the presence of functional cortex. There were no postoperative deaths. Visual field defects were the most common complication after temporal resection (22% [13 of 59 cases]), whereas hemiparesis (mostly transient) was the most common morbidity after extratemporal resection (18% [10 of 56 cases]).


Epilepsy surgery is an effective and safe therapeutic modality in childhood. In children with extratemporal epilepsy, more careful interpretation of clinical and investigative data is needed to achieve favorable seizure outcome.

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Jae Hyo Park, Seung-Yeob Yang, You-Nam Chung, Jeong Eun Kim, Seung-Ki Kim, Dae Hee Han, and Byung-Kyu Cho

✓The authors describe a modified technique of encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis (EDAS) with bifrontal encephalogaleoperiosteal synangiosis (EGPS) and present the preliminary results of the procedure. Between January 2004 and June 2005 the authors performed modified EDAS with bifrontal EGPS in 17 patients with moyamoya disease. Surgical results were evaluated in terms of clinical outcomes, changes visible on neuroimages, extent of revascularization noted on angiograms, and hemodynamic changes demonstrated on single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans. The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 21 months (mean 11.5 months). The overall clinical outcomes were excellent or good in 15 patients (88.2%) and poor in two (11.8%). The overall morbidity rate was 5.9% (one of 17 patients). Based on changes in the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) territories after surgery, as shown on SPECT scans following administration of acetazolamide, 14 patients (82.4%) exhibited an improved vascular reserve capacity in both the ACA and MCA territories. It is the authors' opinion that wide covering of the cortex is necessary for sufficient revascularization. In the present study they demonstrate that modified EDAS with bifrontal EGPS is a safe and efficient surgical approach that covers not only the MCA territory but also the ACA territory.

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Tackeun Kim, Chang Wan Oh, O-Ki Kwon, Gyojun Hwang, Jeong Eun Kim, Hyun-Seung Kang, Won-Sang Cho, and Jae Seung Bang


Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a progressive disease that can cause recurrent stroke. The authors undertook this retrospective case-control study with a large sample size in an attempt to assess the efficacy of direct or combined revascularization surgery for ischemia in adults with MMD.


作者调查案件的病人with moyamoya disease presenting with ischemia who visited Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and Seoul National University Hospital between 2000 and 2014. Among 441 eligible patients, 301 underwent revascularization surgery and 140 were treated conservatively. Variables evaluated included age at diagnosis, sex, surgical record, Suzuki stage, and occurrence of stroke. Patients were stratified into 2 groups based on whether or not they had undergone revascularization surgery. Actuarial 1-, 5-, and 10-year stroke rates were calculated using the life table method. Risk factor analysis for 5-year stroke occurrence was conducted with multivariate regression.


Of the 441 patients, 301 had been surgically treated (revascularization group) and 140 had not (control group). The mean follow-up durations were 45 and 77 months, respectively. The actuarial 10-year cumulative incidence rate for any kind of stroke was significantly lower in the revascularization group (9.4%) than in the control group (19.6%) (p = 0.041); the relative risk reduction (RRR) was also superior (52.0%) in the revascularization group, and the number needed to treat was 10. The 10-year rate of ischemic stroke was greater (13.3%) in the control group than in the revascularization group (3.9%) (p = 0.019). The RRR for ischemic stroke in the revascularization group was 70.7%, and the number needed to treat was 11. However, the actuarial 1- and 5-year rates of ischemic stroke did not significantly differently between the groups. Overall, revascularization surgery was shown to be an independent protective factor, as revealed by multivariate analysis.


对病人直接或联合血管再生with adult-onset moyamoya disease presenting with ischemia can prevent further stroke.

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Haeng Jin Lee, Ji Hoon Phi, Seung-Ki Kim, Kyu-Chang Wang, and Seong-Joon Kim


The aim of this study was to report the incidence of and the factors associated with papilledema in children with hydrocephalus.


Patients younger than 15 years of age who had been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and treated by extra-ventricular drainage or ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery between 2005 and 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. Factors including patient age and sex, etiology of hydrocephalus, duration of signs or symptoms, intracranial pressure (ICP), and presence of papilledema were evaluated.


Forty-six patients, whose mean age was 6.3 ± 4.7 years, were included in the study. The 19 patients without papilledema had a mean age of 2.7 ± 2.7 years, and the 27 patients with papilledema had a mean age of 8.8 ± 4.2 years (p<0.001). The mean ICP was 19.9 ± 10.0 cm H2O among those without papilledema and 33.3 ± 9.1 cm H2O among those with papilledema (p < 0.001). The mean duration of signs or symptoms was 3.0 ± 4.6 months in the patients without papilledema and 3.4 ± 3.9 months in those with papilledema (p = 0.704). The patients with papilledema were older and presented with higher ICP than those without. The causes of hydrocephalus were tumor (59%), congenital anomaly (19%), hemorrhage (13%), and infection (9%).


Papilledema was more common in patients who were older, who had higher ICP, and whose hydrocephalus had been induced by brain tumor. However, since papilledema was absent in 41% of the children with hydrocephalus, papilledema's absence does not ensure the absence of hydrocephalus, especially in younger patients.
